YMCA Hooops returns for 17th year
The YMCA will hold its 17th annual Hooops 3-on-3 Basketball tournament next Saturday and July 20 at the Spokane Valley Mall.
Cost is $88 for a team of four with age groups ranging from third-graders to adults. Proceeds benefit the YMCA Scholarship Program. Call 838-3577, ext. 167, for entry information.
Packet pickup is Friday, 2 to 8 p.m. at Center Court inside the mall or outdoors on the Sears side of the mall.
– From staff reports
Chamber task force plans luncheon
Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce members will receive a recommendation July 25 on whether the organization should endorse Spokane Valley’s proposed Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan.
A chamber task force that has been studying the issue will present its findings in a luncheon meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Mirabeau Park Hotel and Convention Center.
The task force, headed by dentist Philip Rudy, is composed of Rustin Hall, of ALSC Architects; Damon Smith, DCI Engineering; Nancy Holmes, Avista Utilities; Jennifer Johnson, Jennifer’s Auto Sales; and Mike King, Stonemark Realty.
The luncheon, open to nonmembers, will cost $25 per person. Chamber officials ask those who plan to attend to call 924-4994 for reservations.
– John Craig
Liberty Lake
Tennis block party, anyone?
The first annual Liberty Lake Summer Tennis Block Party will be held Aug. 2, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Pavillion Park, 727 N. Molter Road, in Liberty Lake.
The block party will offer tennis instruction and interactive games for people of all ages and abilities, giving them the opportunity to learn and enjoy the benefits of the game.
Tennis professionals and celebrities for the media/celebrity challenge match will be guiding participants through games and helping them work on their skills.
The event is sponsored by the United States Tennis Association in partnership with the Liberty Lake Community Tennis Association.
Call 475-0919 for more information.
– From staff reports
Tell us about your Good Neighbor
Is there a good neighbor in your life? Someone in you neighborhood who goes the extra mile to help others. Let your Valley Voice share the story in the Good Neighbors feature.
Contact us by e-mail at voice@spokesman.com or call Voices editor Tad Brooks at 927-2164.