Six ways to find meaning amid a busy schedule
Over-scheduling is a nationwide epidemic. From preschoolers to CEOs, we are constantly running from one activity to the next. This busy and sometimes frantic lifestyle affects all aspects of life and many people feel the strain caused by overloaded to-do lists.
According to the authors of “Yes, You Can … Find More Meaning in Your Life,” Jack Jonathan and Sheelagh Manheim, PhD, over-scheduling can create a narrow focus that prevents you from experiencing meaning in your life. These two regular contributors to offer ways to step off the treadmill of busyness and reaffirm what is good in your life.
Jonathan and Manheim suggest finding a balance in five fundamental areas of life: positive attitude, good physical health, personal relationships, financial well-being and a passion for knowledge.
“Anyone looking to streamline their schedule can use these essentials as guidelines to help balance the way they spend their time,” said Jonathan. “Paying attention to each basic area of life may help a person to feel more at peace.” Jonathan and Manheim offer the following six ideas to help bring a feeling of meaning into a busy life.
Keep a Positive Attitude
Begin your day with a sense of wonder. Ask yourself, “What is in store for me today?” Then set achievable goals for the day. Remain open to other possibilities so challenges that come up will not feel overwhelming. Do at least one thing each day that creates in you a sense of happiness, delight, accomplishment or wonder.
Nurture Your Body
Sometimes basic physical needs are set aside because of busy schedules. It is ideal to schedule time for exercise and recreation. “But, you can also nurture your body by simply paying attention,” Jonathan advises. “Why not pause a minute between activities, look out of the window, take a deep breath and exhale slowly.” Manheim advises looking forward to your lunch break, choosing foods that really appeal to you, and then savoring your meal in the presence of friends.
Honor Your Relationships
Friendships often suffer from neglect when life gets too busy. Even if you can’t fit in a weekend getaway or a night out, you can still find time to foster meaningful relationships. Connect over lunch, make regular phone calls, keep in touch frequently with meaningful e-mails or better yet, send a note or a card. Whenever you are able to contact your friend be sure to truly relax and give your friend your whole attention. Let time stand still for those precious moments you do have together.
Mind Your Finances
The only person you can count on for your financial well-being is you. Set aside a regular time each month to pay bills and review your financial situation. Jim Stowers, founder of American Century Investments, recommends that when you review your spending, you ask yourself, “Am I getting my money’s worth?” Do you spend your money in a way that brings meaning to your life? You will find that careful financial planning will set you free to enjoy your life more.
Cultivate Curiosity
Having a passion for knowledge is one of our greatest innate gifts. It does not require a great deal of time – only the curiosity to ask what? or why? and then spend a few minutes to search for an answer. Learning something new goes beyond book learning. It can involve simply paying attention to what is going on in your own neighborhood. The more we know about the little piece of turf we inhabit, the more meaningful our life becomes because we step outside ourselves.
Value Your Time
Jim Stowers, co-author along with Jack Jonathan, of the soon-to-be published “Yes, You Can … Reach Your Goals and Achieve Your Dreams,” comments, “Time is often taken for granted. Yet, properly used, time becomes a key multiplier that can be leveraged by effort and determination to help you achieve your dreams.” When you set aside small amounts of time to be truly present to your attitude, physical well being, friendships, finances and curiosity, you can increase your joy in life.
For more ways to lead a meaningful life in the middle of a busy schedule, visit