Lottery numbers
Thursday’s Washington Daily Game: 0-4-1
Thursday’s Washington Keno: 1-7-11- 14-17-21-26-28-33-36-38-43-48- 57-58-60-61-66-71-74
Today in history
1774: Louis XVI acceded to the throne of France.
1775: Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured the British-held fortress at Ticonderoga, N.Y.
1865: Union forces captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Irwinville, Ga.
1869: A golden spike was driven at Promontory, Utah, marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States.
1908: The first Mother’s Day observance in the United States, inspired by Anna Jarvis, took place during church services in Grafton, W.Va., and Philadelphia.
1924: J. Edgar Hoover was given the job of FBI director.
1933: The Nazis staged massive public book burnings in Germany.
1940: German forces began invading the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and France; British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned, and Winston Churchill formed a new government.
1968: Preliminary Vietnam peace talks began in Paris.
2007: British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced he would step down June 27.