Senior activities
“A Christmas Carol” – Friday. The Civic Theatre performs this holiday classic musical. Includes transportation, escort and admission. Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For details call 482-0803.
Tour at Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute – Monday. The Japanese Culture Center features traditional arts, crafts, folk art, cuisine, religion, costumes/ceremonial dress and more. There will be a no-host lunch at Tomato Street, 6220 N. Divison St., beforehand. Includes transportation, escort and tour. Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For details call 482-0803.
Ceramics – Tuesdays, various times at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook. Call 482-0803 for more information; Thursdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. $5 per visit, $20 per month. Call 926-1937.