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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Youths find Scoop

Scoop Reporter was spotted hiding among advertisements in last week’s Voices by the following seven winners, who are this week’s Honorary Cub Reporters and are eligible to receive free ice cream.

Congratulations to:

Michael Hill, 11, who attends Cheney Middle School and whose parent is Barbara Boots, spotted Scoop on page 3 of the West Plains Voice.

Jordan Mulder, 6, who attends Prairie Elementary and is the son of Curt Mulder, found Scoop hiding on page 9 of the North Side Voice. Allegra Vanderwilde, 10, who attends Hutton Elementary School and is the daughter of Carole Vanderwilde, found Scoop on page 2 of the South Side Voice.

Caitlyn Danis, 12, who attends Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy and is the daughter of Kathy Danis, found Scoop hiding on page 4 of the Prairie Voice.

Michael Hannan, 12, who attends Evergreen Middle School. Scoop apparently took a vacation in Thursday’s Valley Voice, but Michael was the first caller and said he found a brown dot that resembled a bear on page 2. He is the son of Julie Hannan.

Josie Pickens, 10, who is homeschooled and the daughter of Heidi Pickens, spotted Scoop on page 4 of Saturday’s Valley Voice.

Jacob Seezy, 12, who attends Waldorf School in Sandpoint and is the son of Heidi Dorman, found Scoop on page 3 of Handle Extra.

Green Bluff

Food drive benefits Second Harvest

Harvest House, 9919 E. Green Bluff Road, will host Homegrown Help for the Hungry from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday.

The event will include live music by Angus Scott Pipe Band with Highland dancers, An Daire Irish dancers, Silver Strings, Sarah Bennett, Crooked Kitt, Jonathan Nicholson, and Lonesome Lyle Morse.

Visitors are welcome to donate produce picked from Green Bluff to Second Harvest. Local Plant-a-Row for the Hungry volunteers will be on hand to provide information and accept donations.

From 6 to 8 p.m., Hoedown for Hunger will be held at High Country Orchard, 8518 E. Green Bluff Road.

The event will feature square and line-dancing inside the barn.

A donation of $5 is suggested.

For more information about the Homegrown Help for the Hungry or Hoedown for Hunger call Cyndi Cook at 252-6260 or visit

– From staff reports

East Central

Frameworks plans celebration Sept. 18

Community Frameworks will present a wine-tasting Sept. 18 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Lone Canary Winery, 109 S. Scott St.

The event will include hors d’oeuvres and information about the organization’s projects.

The cost is $35 and reservations are required by Friday. For more information, call Community Frameworks at 484-6733, ext. 121.

– Lisa Leinberger