Senior activities
River Queen Brunch Cruise – Sunday. Enjoy Sunday brunch catered by the Red Lion Templin’s Hotel while traveling the scenic Spokane River on a two hour journey on the River Queen. Includes cruise and transportation. Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. For details, call (509) 327-2861.
AARP, Greater Spokane Chapter No. 384 – Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Old Country Buffet at Franklin Mall, 5504 N. Division, no-host lunch available. For more information call Arlene at (509) 448-1783
AARP, Spokane Falls Chapter – Meets the first Thursday of each month, 10:30 a.m. at Old Bob’s Restaurant, 3243 E. Trent Ave.; (509) 466-4013.
AARP Senior Employment – Specializes in jobs for persons 55 years and older. Employers are looking for your years of experience, maturity and dependability, call (509) 325-7712 for more information.
Aging and Long-term Care of Eastern Washington – The planning and management council usually meets the fourth Friday of each month from 1-3:30 p.m. at 1222 N. Post St. For more information, call (509) 458-2509.