CVHS students win business award

Three Central Valley High School students placed in the Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference held in June in California. Students Anna Highley, Mallory Morgan and Randi Wilson placed second in the Management Decision Making category.
The trio competed in regional and state FBLA competitions to win the right to advance to the national level. They competed against more than 7,000 students to win their award.
Contest awards books
West Valley City School recently won a $1,000 second-place prize in the Scholastic Book Fair National Middle School Contest. The competition scores book fairs hosted by students based on contests created, creative book displays, activities and themes. Last spring students created a baseball-themed book fair called “Take Me Out to the Book Fair.” The prize money can only be used to buy books, and the school plans to purchase history and science nonfiction books.
Three schools around the country placed second, while four were in third place. The top winner, a school in Leander, Texas, won $2,000 and a visit from Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps.
Teacher honored
Teacher Tom Sullivan of Central Valley High School was recently named a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The National Society of High School Scholars. Teachers must be nominated by a student for the annual award, which recognizes teachers who show dedication and have made a lasting difference in their classroom by encouraging student excellence.
Sullivan was nominated by student Philip Keeve. Sullivan teaches AP English Literature and English classes.