Out & About

Huck happiness ranges far
OUTPICK – The Inland Northwest doesn’t have a lock on huckleberries.
Western Washington has them, too, most commonly on mountain slopes near the elevation of 3,000 feet among indicator species such as beargrass, serviceberry, hemlock and Pacific silver fir.
Of the 12 huckleberry species in Washington and Oregon, the most sought-after is the thin-leaved huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum), says a Forest Service Web site. That species has large, sweet, purple berries occurring singly on the plant.
In 1974, two researchers concluded that shade was not a significant factor in berry sweetness.
Generations of pickers will tell you the sweetest berries are found in pies and pancakes.
See salmon run the Columbia
OUTLOOK – Chinook salmon and steelhead have been piling into the Columbia River en route to great fishing waters such as the Hanford Reach and the Snake River.
Looking for inspiration? Watch them go by the fish ladder window at Bonneville Dam.
Check it out: http://tiny.cc/fishcam/
Focus on flies for trout lakes
OUTFISH – Canada fly fishing ace Skip Morris will be in Spokane on Wednesday to make two FREE presentations:
•3 p.m.-5:30 p.m. – “Trout Dry Flies,” emphasis on fly tying.
•7 p.m.-9 p.m. – “Fishing the Surface of a Trout Lake,” emphasis on fishing techniques.
The programs will be held at St. Francis School, 1104 W. Heroy, sponsored by Spokane Fly Fishers. Food and drinks available.
September is action-packed
OUTBOUND – Here’s a mere sampling of the variety in organized outdoor activities coming up in the region.
Rainier Mountain Festival, Sept. 12-13, Rainier Base Camp in Ashford. Meet 18 Everest summiteers. Talks, demonstrations, fun run.
Info: www.rainierfestival.com/
Nature journaling, observation, teaching, Sept. 13, with artist/poet Wes Hanson on his conservation land near Coeur d’Alene.
Info: http://tiny.cc/ journaling975/
Spokefest bicycle tour and youth events starting in downtown Spokane.
Info: www.spokefest.org/
New Shooters Day, Sept. 13, a free opportunity to safely experience shooting firearms, archery.
Info: (509) 993-3098.
Wild Mushrooming class, Sept. 19-20, with a University of Montana botanist near Glacier National Park through the Glacier Institute.
Info: (406) 755-1211; www.glacierinstitute.org/
Sea Kayak Symposium, Sept 25-27, Fort Worden State Park, the center of the universe for Northwest sea kayaking clinics, gear selection and camaraderie.
Info: www.wcsks.org/