Building Permits
Coeur d’Alene
Viking Construction Inc., 3775 N. Linneatus Drive, residence and garage, valued at $140,000.
Doug Corbin, 4102 W. Nez Perce Road, garage/shop/carport, valued at $15,000.
Anulese Kennedy, 4215 W. Nez Perce Road, residence remodel, valued at $10,000.
Larry Chmura, 1033 E. Pine Ave., residence re-roof, valued at $10,000.
House of Gold LLC, 2936 Dakota Ave., light industrial, storage building, valued at $612,360.
Kootenai County
Duane Wentz, Spirit Lake, manufactured home setting and pole structure, valued at $29,889.
David Staley, Coeur d’Alene, garage/carport, valued at $26,884.
Robert Kelley, Post Falls, pole structure, valued at $21,760.
Post Falls
Preston Hawkins, 724 N. state Highway 41, commercial alteration, valued at $19,000.