Foreclosure rate down in Spokane
Foreclosures in Spokane County fell last month but remained significantly above the pace of November 2009, according to figures released Thursday by RealtyTrak.
The online foreclosure marketplace said 167 Spokane homes – one in every 1,182 – went into foreclosure, down 52 percent from 109 in October. But only 64 homes were foreclosed a year ago.
Slightly more than 4,000 homes were foreclosed in Washington, down 36 percent from October but well above the 3,288 of November 2009. Washington ranked 17th among the 50 states in foreclosure rate.
In Kootenai County, 257 homes were foreclosed, or one in every 234. The total was an increase from the 188 in October and 180 of a year ago.
Statewide, 2,133 homes were foreclosed, or one in every 301. Idaho ranks eighth among the states.
Nationally, RealtyTrak said foreclosures fell 21 percent from October, and 14 percent from a year earlier. One in every 492 homes was foreclosed.
Foreclosures include homes subject to a notice of default, notices of a trustee or foreclosure sale, and those already foreclosed by the lender.