Business beat

New Faces
Josh Richard has been hired by Western States Insurance Agency of Spokane as a personal lines sales executive. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Washington University and previously worked as a territory representative for Safeco Insurance Co.
Brand It Advertising has hired Jacqui Walker as a customer service representative. She previously worked for Clearwater Springs in Hayden and is a graduate of North Idaho College.
Joshua Tripp has been hired as a licensed landscape architect for Land Expressions LLC in Mead. He has more than 13 years of commercial, institutional, residential design and project management experience. Cancer Care Northwest has hired Dr. Saritha Thumma as a medical oncologist for the center’s South office located at 601 S. Sherman St. Thumma previously worked for Columbia Basin Hematology in Kennewick. She completed her fellowship at the University of Minnesota and is board-certified in medical oncology and internal medicine.
Pneumex Inc. in Sandpoint has hired Michael Wilson as an advisor for the company’s executive management team. Wilson previously served as chief executive and president of Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Providence Holy Family Hospital.
Kelli Schwartzenberger has been promoted to tax manager for BDO Seidman, LLP.
Barron’s magazine named Janice Baldwin on its list of “America’s Top 1,000 Advisors: State by State” in its Feb. 22 edition. Baldwin serves as first vice president of investments and wealth management advisor for Merrill Lynch’s Coeur d’Alene office.
Jan Roseleip received the Accredited Buyer’s Representation designation from the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council of the National Association of Realtors. She works for Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Valley.
The American College of Radiology presented Inland Imaging with its Breast Imaging Centers of Excellence designation in recognition of the company’s comprehensive breast-imaging program.
Champion Home Builders of Weiser, Idaho, has named Mountain Homes of Colville the top Champion retailer in Washington for 2009.
C. Robert Ogden, president of R.J. Martin Mortgage Company, received a Century Corporation Certificate from Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed. The company was incorporated in Washington on March 31, 1910.
Wal-Mart’s Washington State Giving Program donated $40,000 to the Inland Northwest Blood Center’s National Marrow Donor Program to pay the registration fee to get 1,600 new donors on the national Be the Match Registry.
Coffman Engineers employees donated $3,100 to the American Red Cross Haitian Relief Fund with the company matching the amount, for a total of $6,200 donated. The company also donated $3,500 to the Inland Empire Region of the American Red Cross.
The following individuals have been elected as officers to serve on Camp Fire USA Inland Northwest Council’s 2010 board of directors: president, Burke Jackowich of Washington Trust Bank; vice president, Jo Ann Brown of Numerica Credit Union; second vice president, Jodi Kittle of Integrus Architecture; treasurer, Tonya Zimmerer of Sterling Savings Bank; and secretary, Jessie McLaughlin of Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Other 2010 board members include: Heather Byrd of Signature Style; Melissa Cocks of UPS Store at North Division; Donna Hunts of Northwest Specialty Hospital; John Laughlin; Nora Laughlin of Empowering People; Dori Peck of Spokane County Humane Society; Jane Ronnfeldt of Numerica Credit Union; Jim Slavin Jr. of S.D.S. Realty; and youth members Ashley Bueckers and Kaitlyn Loveall.
New Business
Scott Murray has opened Black Stone Financial Inc. The company is an independent fee-based investments, financial planning and insurance firm. Murray previously worked as an investment advisor with AIG Valic and Spokane Teachers Credit Union. He holds a bachelor’s degree in applied computer science from Montana Tech and a master’s degree in business administration from Webster University. Location: 18916 E. 12th Court, Spokane Valley Contact: (509) 991-7123 Web site:
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