Get facts on St. John Vianney zoning change
Although we appreciate Meg Doherty’s attempt to dazzle us (Valley Voice letters, March 26), perhaps she should educate herself on the facts regarding the St. John Vianney zone change.
Fact 1: The small section she is referring to is 1.91 acres currently zoned residential, and the proposal is to re-zone this 1.91-acre parcel to multi-family. The issue is zoning.
Fact 2: The issue here is not low-income senior housing, it is land use proposal/zoning change.
Fact 3: St. John Vianney is not financing this project; Catholic Charities, in partnership with HUD, is. St. John Vianney Church is currently listed as collateral in the Diocese Bankruptcy.
Fact 4: Because our neighborhood is blocks off of Sprague Avenue, you are saying that we don’t have the same rights as other property owning, tax paying citizens of the city of Spokane Valley.
We would love to obtain a copy of the law you reference stating that St. John Vianney Church does not need the city’s approval for a zoning change. Perhaps, Ms. Doherty, we could purchase one house next to your property and turn it into a rental. Now, try 40-52 and let us know if it is working out for you and your neighbors.
We applaud Ms. Doherty’s use of the proper forum to express concerns in regards to this proposal. I am sure she knows that when emotions are involved, things are said without much thought. But, please quit calling us stupid and ignorant.
Let us finish with another old adage, “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us.”
Save our neighborhood.
St. John Vianney Neighborhood Spokane Valley