Letter: Decision based on committee decisions
I must disagree with Mr. Tupper’s opinions expressed in the article “East Valley Schools Restructuring Falls Short.”
I am a student currently attending East Valley High School and I have attended many of these meetings. From what I can see, Mr. Tupper believes that the decision to form K-8 schools was solely formed by Superintendent Glenewinkel and the board. This is not true! The recommendation was made by a committee made up of students, parents, teachers, alumni and other community members after many months of research and debating. All of these committee meetings were open to everyone. Information about them was sent out a copious amount of times. All of our research (pro- and con- K-8 method) was, and still is, posted on the East Valley School District website.
I know when I read Mr. Tupper’s article I was confused by his information. I would say, if anyone is interested in the information we found in our research, I would advise them to attend one of our meetings or look at our research on the school district’s Web page.
Leland Hale
Spokane Valley