Letter: School’s open concept a distraction
I am a parent of former Central Valley students. When we first moved into the CV District, we had a fourth grade and fifth grade student at Chester Elementary. My children weren’t used to the “open concept” and my fourth-grader struggled for several months with the abundance of noise and visual distractions. My child was able to see the other fourth-grade classes, a fifth-grade class and two third-grade classes all from his desk. He complained daily about not being able to concentrate. My child was an “A/B” student. I can’t imagine how struggling students deal with these issues.
I know that Greenacres Elementary and Ponderosa Elementary Schools have the same problems.
I am voting “yes” for the CV bond because the bond will address these needs and many more needs.
Let’s continue to have quality schools that allow our children to achieve their goals. Let’s show the children that we care about their future. Vote “yes” with me on the Feb. 8 CV bond.
Shirley Brick
Spokane Valley