Volunteers needed
AARP Tax-Aide – Volunteers are needed for free tax preparation services for middle and low income workers. Training is free and no prior experience or an accounting background is needed. Greeters are also needed to welcome individuals and review paperwork prior to meeting with tax counselors. For more information call (509) 838-6581 or visit http://www.aarp.org/money/taxes/aarp_taxaide/
American Cancer Society Discovery Shop – Volunteers are needed for the Discovery Shop, located at 905 W. Garland Ave., for help with a number of duties. For more information, call Judy at (509) 328-9373.
American Red Cross – The American Red Cross, Inland Northwest Chapter, has volunteer opportunities available for its disaster action team. Team members provide 24-hour emergency response to local disasters, ensuring that those affected have basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. Licensed professional volunteers are needed in the mental health field, nursing, and disaster education. Team members are asked to be on call 24 hours a day for at least a one-week period at a time. For more information, call (509) 326-3330 or visit www.spokaneredcross.org.
This list is a sample of opportunities included on the Spokane County United Way Volunteer Solutions Web site. For a complete list visit www.unitedwayspokane.org.