Spokane selects four warming shelter sites
Spokane will open four temporary shelters for the homeless during the coldest winter nights.
The city contracted with four social service agencies to serve as warming centers, which will open from 8 p.m. through 7 a.m. intermittently through the end of February whenever the temperature drops below 15 degrees.
City spokeswoman Ann Deasy said the shelters are opened each year in connection with different service agencies. The city will issue releases when the shelters will be open.
This year’s shelters will be:
Volunteers of America’s Crosswalk, 525 W. 2nd Ave., serving homeless youth.
Volunteers of America’s Hope House, 111 W 3rd Ave., serving homeless single women.
First Covenant Church, 212 S. Divison St., serving homeless single men. SNAP, 212 S. Wall St., will serve as a secondary site for the church.
Salvation Army’s Safe Center, 222 E. Indiana Ave., serving homeless families with children and couples without children.