Piecemeal project: Excavators close in on the beached crab boat Genesis A as it sits, already partially dismantled, near Leadbetter Point on the Long Beach (Wash.) Peninsula on Friday. The Warrenton, Ore.-based crab boat ran aground Jan. 25. By the end of the tide Friday, workers had reduced it to the hull, hold and engine compartment still below the sand. They expect to finish today. (Associated Press)
Piecemeal project: Excavators close in on the beached crab boat Genesis A as it sits, already partially dismantled, near Leadbetter Point on the Long Beach (Wash.) Peninsula on Friday. The Warrenton, Ore.-based crab boat ran aground Jan. 25. By the end of the tide Friday, workers had reduced it to the hull, hold and engine compartment still below the sand. They expect to finish today.