That’s NEWS to You quiz
If you kept up with the news last week – or even if you didn’t – you could be a winner in our weekly news quiz. Test your memory with our newspaper version, then go online to
to take the interactive quiz. Top entries to the online quiz go into a weekly drawing for a $50 gift card to the Davenport Hotel, and all entries this week go into a drawing for movie tickets and four tickets to an upcoming EWU men’s basketball game.
1. Marijuana continues to make the news at the local, state and federal levels. Which of the following is not true:
A. Master gardeners in Spokane are not allowed to give advice about growing pot.
B. The Washington Legislature is considering a bill that would clarify how the state regulates medical use.
C. Members of Congress are introducing a bill that would establish a federal pot tax.
D. Legislation in the House of Representatives would allow carrying a small amount of pot across state lines, with a permit.
2. Members of the Spokane Chinese Dance Group performed a red ribbon cultural dance Tuesday at Spokane Community College in celebration of the Chinese New Year. 2013 is the Chinese year of the:
A. Snake
B. Dragon
C. Rabbit
D. Rooster
3. Last fall, the city of Spokane moved to a single-stream recycling system that allowed for the recycling of more items. Which of the following cannot be put in the blue bins?
A. Plastic grocery bags
B. Light bulbs
C. Packing peanuts
D. Can’t fool me, you still can’t recycle any of these items in the blue bins.
4. This week, the Obama administration nominated Sally Jewell for secretary of the Department of the Interior. She’s currently CEO and president of what company?
A. Lockheed Martin
C. Puget Sound Energy
D. DuPont
5. College football’s national signing day was Wednesday. WSU coach Mike Leach received a letter of intent from what 4-star high school prospect?
A. Isaac Dotson, of Bellevue
B. Danny Mattingly, of Spokane
C. Tyler Bruggman, of Phoenix
D. Josh Dobbs, of Alpharetta, Ga.
Check your work
Find the answers and last week’s winners on page B3.