Spokane GOP precincts holding caucuses
Republican activists in Spokane, and those who might be thinking of becoming more active, will gather this morning for precinct caucuses.
No, there isn’t a presidential election this year. Although caucuses get the most attention when they occur in the midst of the run for the White House, Spokane County Republicans hold them every two years as the starting point to holding a convention and writing a platform. They also are seeking an early test of 2016 presidential candidates with a straw poll for caucus attendees.
Any registered voter who considers himself or herself a Republican can attend a caucus. Local GOP rules require each attendee to show a photo identification so party officials can check names against the county’s voter rolls.
Caucuses were once a neighborhood affair, taking place primarily in living rooms or church basements. A few still do, but most are held at “pooled” locations, with many precincts gathering in a school gymnasium, public library or event center. To locate your Spokane County Republican precinct caucuses, go to www.spokanegop.com/caucus.
Democrats are skipping precinct caucuses this year, starting their convention process with caucuses in the legislative districts. Those meetings will be held March 9.