Obituary: Breckenridge, Lois
She had many different careers outside of the home, including working in a factory supporting the war effort, working at the brand-new Newberry’s U-City store, starting a home-based toy company and running her own antique business.
She was always on the go, a very energetic person, but also loved being at home whether working in her huge garden, refinishing furniture, baking Christmas cookies or sewing quilts and stuffed animals for her family.
She loved Western movies, listened to opera on the radio, and never could resist holding a child in her lap.
Her family was all important in her life.
Lois passed away peacefully on November 11th, 2014, joining her husband Charles.
They both are survived by their children Roy, Dana, Sally and Laurie, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and are greatly missed and held in their hearts.
A family service will be held in May.