Out & about: Duck hunting wife retrieves husband from near death
OUTLIVE – Justin and Melody Priest of Kennewick were exploring a new Columbia River hunting spot recently, near the end of the duck season, when things went afoul.
The Priests set up decoys on the shore before dawn, bringing a kayak to help retrieve any ducks they bagged over the water.
About 9 a.m., Justin, 33, shot his second duck of the day. He hopped into the kayak and headed out on the choppy water to pick up his kill, about 60 yards from shore.
As he reached to pick up the duck, he tumbled from the boat into the river. His waders filled with water, making it hard for him to swim.
“As soon as it flipped, I knew it wasn’t going to be good,” Melody, 30, told the Tri-City Herald. “That water was cold.”
Justin, who was hanging onto the kayak, struggled in the cold water for about five minutes before Melody decided to call 911, she said. She was reluctant to swim after him because of the hunting gear she was wearing.
“I just yelled at him to keep swimming and not to stop,” Melody said, noting that she could tell his temperature was dropping and he was less functional.
After about 20 minutes, he was still 30 yards from shore. First responders were having trouble finding the couple. Melody had no choice.
She went into the water and pulled her hypothermic husband to shore.
She was wrapped around him when responders arrived. They stripped off his wet clothing and snugged him into dry blankets. A MedStar helicopter was called to fly him to a hospital, where he was treated and released later in the day.
Despite all the effort and ordeal, the duck was never retrieved.
“I told him to leave it,” Melody said. “I told him it wasn’t worth his life.”
Free Flight at Magic Lantern
OUTSOAR – Men and women who are rewriting the definition of “hang time” will show their talents in films coming to Spokane to celebrate man’s lofty dreams to soar with the eagles.
The Free Flight Film Festival will screen on Feb. 15 with shows at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. at the Magic Lantern Theater, 25 W. Main Ave., in Spokane.
The show includes short films featuring hang gliding, paragliding and mini-wing flying from the perspective of the ground and in the air.
The festival is supported in Spokane by the area hang gliding and paragliding group, Center of Lift. Tickets: $5.