Spokane County GOP prepares for Saturday caucus
Spokane County Republicans will caucus Saturday, but they will not be picking a candidate in a still-crowded GOP presidential field.
Registered voters must arrive at their caucus locations by 10 a.m., where they will be asked to sign a form indicating they’re Republicans and they will not participate in another caucus.
The meetings will be called to order and those not registered by 10 a.m. will not be allowed to participate.
Registration opens at 9 a.m., but you can preregister and find your precinct caucus location by visiting spokanegop.com and clicking on the link at the top of the page.
Dave Moore, chairman of the Spokane County Republican Party, said he anticipates a large showing for Saturday’s caucuses.
“I’ve returned over 200 phone calls in the last week,” Moore said. “I think it’s going to be one heck of a turnout.”
Caucus attendees may discuss candidates for president, but no official vote or straw poll will be taken Saturday for the office.
Instead, precincts will choose who will attend the countywide Republican Convention to be held April 9 at Northern Quest Resort and Casino. The Washington Republican Convention will be held May 19 in the Tri-Cities.
There, Washington delegates will be selected to attend the Republican National Convention, which is scheduled to begin July 18 in Cleveland.
Those Republican delegates sent to Cleveland will be bound to back candidates based on the outcome of the results of a presidential primary election, which will be held May 24.
Six high-profile Republicans remain in the race for the president: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump.
Local Democrats will caucus March 26.
Democrats will tally support for the remaining candidates for president at that time and will ignore the results of the Washington primary for president.