Week ahead
Social Media for Small Business 301 – Learn how to build a social media strategy to begin marketing your small business. 5:30-7:30 p.m., Startup Spokane Central, 610 W. Second Ave. For information or to register, visit www.scorespokane.org or call (509) 353-2821. $25.
Small Business Marketing and Sales - Learn how to identify prospective customers and attract them to your business. A SCORE Spokane workshop. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. For more information or to register, visit www.scorespokane.org. $25/advance; $40/at the door; $15/additional person from the same company. (509) 353-2821.
Spokane AFWA - Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance will host a presentation from a registered dietitian. Make reservations by Wednesday at reservations@afwa4.org. 5:30-8 p.m., Conley’s Place Restaurant, 12622 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley. Dinner purchase requested.
Delcreek Productions Inc. Inland Northwest RV Show and Sale – Thursday-Jan. 24, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 5,000 attendees.
Washington State Dream Duals – Friday and Saturday, Spokane Convention Center, 1,800 attendees.