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We’ll survive Trump

I admit it. I don’t like Donald Trump. He is a despicable human being, not worthy of the presidency of the United States. He’s not a guy I’d remotely consider having a beer with. And I think his chances of succeeding as president are about as unlikely as a Democrat being elected in North Idaho.

Having said that, and it feels so good to have said that, I hope he succeeds beyond his wildest dreams, not for his sake, but for the country I love. His success will depend on the people he chooses to surround himself with.

If he picks men like Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Flynn and Chris Christie, as has been rumored, I fear for the future. If he listens to people like Stephen Bannon and David Bossie, only trouble can follow. So, we need to watch and wait, give Trump the benefit of the doubt. But if that doubt is clarified and he makes those or similar choices, we have to recognize that he is not serious about governing and act accordingly.

I do, however, take heart in the realization that Italy survived Silvio Berlusconi and we will surely survive Trump.

Bob Wynhausen


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