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Vestal misreads column

I read Shawn Vestal’s Aug. 15 column about three times to try to get the gist of his angry complaint against Steve Massey’s Aug. 12 column about the transgender issue. His strong reaction made me go online to find and read the referenced article.

I saw a Christian, a pastor, daring to speak his beliefs. That’s not safe to do these days. Thankfully, your editor, Rob Curley, was willing to put a more objective tone on it. Thanks, Mr. Curley.

Though I could go into detail about the points on which we disagree, I’d rather not. We just disagree. I’m curious about his reference to the Bible as “endlessly interpretive.” Did he get that from reading it, or just popular opinion? I’m sure he’ll lump me in with the dregs of humanity as he did Pastor Massey.

That’s OK. Anyone who’s determined to believe that “endlessly interpretive” Bible should expect that.

I don’t think the pastor meant to hurt him or those he referred to, nor do I. But should we allow any national, or even local, news media to tell us what we must believe? Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego said no.

Greg Lundy


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