Salvation Army needs volunteers for Christmas Adopt a Family

The Salvation Army is asking for volunteer donors for its annual Christmas Adopt a Family program.
The Adopt a Family program serves homeless families that currently reside in Transitional Housing or the Salvation Army Shelter, and recently homeless families who spent time in either the shelter or the Stepping Stones program.
The Salvation Army case managers continue to work with newly situated families in aftercare programs, to ensure they stay stable and on their feet. The families are aware that there are no guarantees in the program.
Donors will gather gifts and Christmas dinner supplies for their adopted family and deliver the items on Dec. 18 and 19 to the Salvation Army at 222 E. Indiana Ave. To be equitable to everyone, the Salvation Army asks donors to buy each child a gift or gifts totaling $25-$30.
Holiday expenses can overwhelm a family with a limited income, moving into a new home and learning to make ends meet. They need and appreciate any company, group or family wishing to help.
Charitable individuals, families, churches, schools, fraternal organizations or other groups that would like to participate can call the Adopt a Family phone line at (509) 280-9431 or email the Salvation Army at SpokaneChristmas@usw.