Washington’s legal challenges to the Trump administration: Some of the lawsuits

Among the lawsuits involving Washington challenges this year to Trump administration policies are:
Washington v. Trump: challenged the original travel ban. Trial judge ruled for state in February, 9th Circuit agreed, administration did not appeal to Supreme Court.
New York v. Perry: Seven states and District of Columbia challenged delay in new energy efficiency standards. Department of Energy agreed to let new rules take effect.
Clean Air Council v. EPA: Fourteen states and D.C. challenged delay for new on emissions from oil and gas facilities. Trial court ruled in favor of states, appeals court denied en banc review.
New York v. EPA: Fifteen states and D.C. challenged a plan to delay new ozone standards. EPA withdrew the plan.
New York et al v. Trump: Sixteen states and D.C. challenging Trump decision to end DACA. Washington is one of three co-leads. Hearing scheduled for January.
Washington v. Trump: Six states challenging rules allowing some employers to refuse contraception coverage for their employees.
Washington v. Trump: Six states challenging the second travel ban. No ruling because of a decision in Hawaii.
Washington v. Trump: Six states challenging the third travel ban with Washington as lead plaintiff. Hearing is Monday in Seattle.
Karnoski v. Trump: Washington is asking to intervene in challenge to ban on transgender military service which would affect the state National Guard. Motion to intervene pending.
Massachusetts v. DeVos: Washington joined 18 other states opposed to a delay in consumer protections for students at for-profit colleges.
California v. Zinke: Four states challenging Department of Interior decision to restart leases for coal mines on some public lands.
California v. U.S. Dept. of Transportation: Eight states challenging suspension of rule on targets to reduce greenhouse gases from vehicles.
New York v. Pruitt: Eleven states challenging delay of Chemical Disaster Rule.
League of United Latin American Citizens v. Pruitt: Five states seeking to intervene in a requirement to complete the review of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. Motion pending.
California v. Trump: Seventeen states challenging Trump Administration decision this month to end cost-sharing subsidies for health care coverage for some low income Americans.
Maryland v. Dept. of Education: Seventeen states challenging a delay in rule to keep for-profit colleges from offering worthless degrees that leave students with no way to repay high levels of debt.
The state has also filed motions in four cases to defend current federal rules, friend of the court briefs in three cases involving three proposed rule changes, and two lawsuits involving the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.