Sign-ups underway for Spokane Youth Sports Association’s spring sports

The Spokane Youth Sports Association is calling on boys and girls to sign up for spring soccer, rugby, track and field and baseball.
The five-game per team soccer season begins April 14 and ends May 12.
Early sign-up for recreational soccer is due March 8 for children born in 2004 to 2012, and March 22 for recreational high school coed.
Soccer fees are $80 for kids born in 2010-12, $85 for 2008-09, and $90 for 2004-06. Add $20 for late registration.
Signup for rookie soccer (kids born in 2013) is due March 22 and costs $65. The rookie season is April 14 to May 18.
The Spokane Youth Soccer Association also will offer free one-hour camps for kids born 2009-12. The association teamed up with the Spokane Sounders and the Spokane Soccer Academy to hold the camps. Registration is underway for a limited number of spots.
The one-hour camps will be held April 14 at Southeast Sports Complex; April 21 at Mead Sports Complex; and April 28 at Plantes Ferry Park.
Spring break camps will be offered April 2-5: 10-11:30 a.m. for kids born in 2010-12, and 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. for birth years 2004-09. The fee is $75, and sign-ups will close when full or March 29.
The spring track and field season will be April 13 to May 12, and meets will be at area high schools. Kids in grades 1-4 ($85) and 5-6 ($95) must sign up by March 8. Add $20 for late registration. The all-league meet will be May 12.
The Spokane Indians Youth Baseball registration is underway and due March 8. The regular season begins April 9 and will end with an all-city tournament June 8-13.
There are two age divisions and fees: 10 and under (ages 8-10; $145) and 12 and under (10-12; $165). An added late signup fee is $20.
For ages 6 and under, and 8 and under, the sign-up is due March 29. The 10-game season will be April 23 to May 21. The cost is $105 ($20 late).
The youth rugby games will be played Saturdays from April 16 to May 23 at Andrew Rypien Field. Kids in grades kindergarten to eighth grade must register by March 22. The fee is $65.
For additional information, visit or call Deb Brock at (509) 328-7972, extension 103.