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Generalizing liberals

“Ethical liberals? (Craig Detmer, Jan. 27) opens with “These are the only liberals we should respect,” and closes with “Someone, please give us a list of ethical liberals.” The unmistakable message: (all) liberals are unethical and undeserving of respect.

The snide examples in the body of the letter bristle with absurd and/or false implications. In the context, saying that “rich liberals who live in poor neighborhoods,” deserve respect implies the inverse: rich liberals who don’t live in poor neighborhoods don’t deserve respect. Sending one’s children to private schools while advocating better funding for public schools is unethical; favoring the use of drones and electronic surveillance at the southern border but living in a home with door locks is unethical; etc. Think about those examples. Where’s the logic? Rich liberals never use clean energy to power their homes and offices; rich liberals oppose all guns. Demonstrably false.

Beyond the particulars, this letter is troubling because it treats about half of all Americans as refuse. No differentiation - they’re all simply contemptible. Remind you of anything? Rwanda? Serbia? World War II?

I like to think that the letter writer has had second thoughts. We all make mistakes - even the non-liberals among us.

Brian Keeling


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