Somebody needs you: Items sought include shoes, mattresses, storage units, washer and dryer
The goal of Somebody Needs You is to match donors with the specific requests of needy Spokane residents.
The list of requests is coordinated by the Volunteers of America in cooperation with recognized social service agencies in Spokane. If you have an item to donate, please contact the social service agency directly. Donors who can deliver items are especially appreciated. If someone you know needs help, contact a local social service agency provider.
A 44-year-old man experiencing homelessness, and who has health and mobility issues, seeks shoes in size 9 wide, a backpack or rolling suitcase, socks and gloves, an ankle brace, a back brace, TENS unit, and hand and feet warmers. Contact John Dunn of Frontier Behavior Health at (509) 838-465, extension 393122.
A 45-year-old, single woman seeks a queen mattress, box spring and bed frame, a night stand and a dresser. Contact case manager Grace Birrenkott of Frontier Behavior Health at (509) 838-4651, extension 287305.
A woman who has a daughter with special needs seeks a washer and dryer, and storage drawers with three or four drawers. Contact Anne Zaro of Early Head Start at (509) 279-6903.
A mother with infant seeks a crib mattress only. Contact case manager Shannon M. of Early Head Start at (509) 475-7018 or (509) 279-6906.