CJI Football Donates Check for #TroyStrong

The Ross family continues to bring awareness for the Troy Strong movement across the Treasure State, and on Wednesday night, it reached all the way to the Hi-line.
Every summer, Troy’s older sister Kennedy sets up a lemonade stand outside her house to raise money in honor of Troy. However, all the money she makes is donated to the Make-a-Wish Montana foundation, the same organization that sent the family to Disney World earlier this year.
The CJI Hawks are hours away from Great Falls, so they weren’t able to make it down this summer to visit Kennedy’s stand, but they still wanted to be involved in giving back to the community.
So, head coach Jim Vinson mailed a check for $25 on behalf of the team directly to Kennedy, saying that his guys felted honored to help those in need.
“You know, the whole thing they’ve done with Troy is just been unbelievable and little Kennedy is just a rock star right along with the rest of the family,” Vinson said. “We try to show character and show support for causes that we feel very strongly for. It’s just doing the right thing and it’s helping the character of our program and it’s helping out athletes make sure that they’re building character as a person as well as an athlete.”
The Ross family said they are so thankful for everyone’s donations to both the Troy Strong blood drives and to the Make-a-Wish Montana foundation.
For more information on how to get involved in either organization, you can visit the following:
www.redcrossblood.org (Blood dontation)
www.montana.wish.org (Make-a-Wish Montana)