Frontier Conference moves volleyball to 2021, delays football season one week

Frontier Conference league administrators have decided to move volleyball to next spring after meeting via video conference. The football season will also be pushed back one week to September 19th.
This is the latest change to the fall sports schedule from the Frontier Conference.
In late July the conference decided to play an eight-game round-robin conference schedule among the five Montana schools beginning in the fall of 2020. Teams may begin practice on August 15th, and the first games will now be played on September 19th.
The delay to the football season was recommended by league administrators to give students more time to adjust to new protocols.
After the football season concludes in the fall, the conference will send their champion to the NAIA Championship which will be played in the spring.
Volleyball has been moved to the spring to “accommodate all schools in the Frontier Conference and to further align the sport with the NAIA Championships to be held during the spring.”
The Frontier Conference will plan to participate in the post-season whenever the NAIA championship dates are set for next spring.