Unity with the radical left?
In his inaugural address on Wednesday, President Biden emphasized tolerance and unity.
As the new president’s administration begins, will leftist Democrats carry that banner? Or will they continue to anoint themselves as high priests of objectivity while representing opposing views as lies? Will CNN – one of the left’s myriad outlets – own up to falsehoods that emanate from its hallowed newsrooms? Will leftists at social media companies persist in their efforts to silence conservative voices?
Will Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and their media allies continue to excuse violence committed by Black Lives Matter activists and thugs? Will they cease their hypocritical fulminations when right-wing kooks engage in similar acts? Will the radical left continue to label all Republicans and Trump supporters “white supremacists” (including multitudes of Hispanics and African Americans who voted for Trump)?
If so, unity will prove ever more elusive. Thinking conservatives – there are millions of us – will not kowtow to quackery in the name of science or social justice. We will not knowingly accept propaganda as fact, whether from the left or the right.
True tolerance can flourish in an atmosphere of reasoned dialogue and objective analysis. But this “meeting of the minds” presumes a willingness to reevaluate long-cherished theories. It entails considering – and allowing others to consider – views that may not agree with our own.
I wish the new president well. I also pray that he will resist pressure from those in his own party who promote disunity and intolerance.
Dale Brown
Ritzville, Washington