Eager learner graduating from Spokane Valley High School helped make Little Free Libraries

Eli Schell started classes at Spokane Valley High School during the pandemic, but embraced his opportunities there from the start.
“I hadn’t met Eli in person before he joined one of my virtual classes,” said Jay Orth, a teacher at Spokane Valley High School said. “I didn’t have a relationship with him right away because we were online, but I could tell he was dedicated to learning and growing and wants to improve.”
This dedication to learning has allowed for Schell to continue to grow as a learner and as a person in his time at Spokane Valley High School. The small size of the high school and one-on-one focus has been extremely beneficial for Schell.
“I have really enjoyed my time here at school,” Schell said. “I really have a good relationship with Mr. Orth who I work with, and he is always really nice and willing to help.”
Their relationship continued to grow when Schell began to attend Orth’s afternoon virtual math lab in the fall of 2020. Despite the lab not being required, Schell showed up every day without fail, evidence of his passion for learning and wanting to get better.
Spokane Valley High School is also not a traditional four-year high school where students are taught subjects in isolation. Rather, each quarter students are taught by blending the subjects together and each quarter ends with a culminating project.
“That is what I like best about the school is the activities and projects we get to do at the end of the quarters,” Schell said.
One project that stood out for Schell was when they had the chance to build Little Free Libraries for Millwood .
Schell and other students diagramed the designs, did all the math to incorporate the project and assembled the libraries.
“We started by creating the design out of cardboard first and making a diagram,” Schell said. “After that we did all the assembling, got the wood, and painted it before giving it to the family we made it for.”
After Schell and the other students completed the project, the school held a book drive and donated the books along with the Little Free Library to a family in the Millwood area.
The activities and projects put on by Spokane Valley High School have allowed Schell to grow not only as an academic but also as a person. A quiet and humble kid by nature, Schell has begun to come out of his shell and blossom into a new person.
“It has been amazing to watch Eli grow, and watch him come out of his shell socially. He always has good attendance and always comes for extra help,” Orth said. “Every staff member in the school knows who Eli is, not because he is super outgoing and loud, but because of how respectful and kind he is to everyone.”