Christmas Bureau closes for the season after helping thousands with gifts, groceries and cheer

The doors of the Christmas Bureau closed for 2024 on Thursday, marking the 78th year of helping local residents during the holiday.
The tables of books and toys were noticeably more bare Thursday than they had been when the Bureau opened last week, but there was still plenty. Dawn Zumbrunnen, who lives in Ritzville, only heard about the bureau from a friend Thursday morning and rushed to Spokane to get in before it closed. She was looking for gifts for her four grandchildren, ranging in age from 4 to 16, who are living with her right now.
Her grandchildren would not have had much of a Christmas celebration without the bureau, Zumbrunnen said.
“It’s very rewarding,” she said as she browsed for gifts. “I’m very thankful for the volunteers.”
Kendell Garcia, a mom of four, said she was grateful to make it to the bureau before it closed.
“We didn’t know if we were going to make it,” she said. “I’ve been busy, and then we were sick.”
Garcia visited the bureau for the first time last year. This year, her children range in age from 7 to 14.
“I’m a single mom,” she said. “It’s a struggle. It’s hard on a one-person income. I try to do the best I can.”
Getting gifts at the Christmas Bureau means that her children will have a better celebration on Christmas Day, Garcia said.
“This is super generous help for us,” she said. “They’re new toys, too.”
While some volunteers were in the back room boxing up supplies to be stored until next year, others were unboxing more toys to put out for the people coming through. Though there wasn’t a long line Thursday as there has been other days, there was a steady stream of people arriving.
Though the bureau has closed for the season, the task of raising money to pay for everything is not complete. Donations continue to arrive for the Christmas Bureau, bringing hope that organizers may meet the goal of raising $600,000 to pay for grocery store vouchers, toys and books given to those in need. New contributions of $41,040 have brought the year-to-date total to $428,864.68, more than two-thirds of the goal.
Jim and Maggie Randall donated $12,500 “in appreciation of how you make Christmas enjoyable for those in need in our community.”
John Baumhofer, of Spokane, contributed $3,000. “I make my annual donation in memory of those no longer with us and in appreciation for the dedication and hard work of all those who came together to make this community tradition a reality.”
Diamond Asphalt Paving Inc. donated $2,500. Red Diamond Construction, of Spokane Valley, sent $2,500.
Steven Goebel contributed $1,500. Bruce and Kathy Bixler, of Spokane, gave $1,500. “This gift is given in fond memory of our dear friend, Don Kelly, who was a fund volunteer for years,” they wrote. “And a big thank you to the Spokesman for doing this fund each year!”
Ronald Schoenberger, of Spokane, donated $1,000. “This is the 38th year the Schoenberger family has contributed to the Christmas Fund,” he wrote. “In memory of Shirley Schoenberger, please find enclosed our check for this year’s contribution. A very merry Christmas and a happy new year.”
Rod and Debbie Raabe, of Spokane, gave $1,000. Patricia Caldwell, of Spokane Valley, donated $1,000. “Merry Christmas to all and many thanks for all the wonderful work you do. This is given in loving memory of mom, dad, Peggy, Dolly, Rick and Craig. Signed, the last sister.”
James Barthelmess, of Spokane, donated $1,000.
Gordon MacKenzie gave $800.
Rick and Diana Wilhite, of Spokane Valley, donated $750, writing, “We wish to honor our parents, Claud and Rita Wilhite and Bob and Jean Peterson, with this donation to the Christmas Bureau to share our many blessings with others.” Tom and Wendy Bauer, of Spokane, gave $750.
An anonymous Spokane donor gave $545, writing, “The Christmas Fund continues to make us very proud to be part of a community that helps others. Our contribution is given in memory of Denny and Junice, Chuck and Pauline.”
Ron Collins, of Pullman, gave $500. Roger and Judith Ann Paine, of Spokane, contributed $500. “Thank you for all your group does to make sure families in our great city are taken care of,” they wrote. Vince and Melody Zimmer sent $500, writing, “We have always appreciated the effort that the community puts forth for the Christmas Fund. Our city is proud of this effort.”
Linda Aslock, of Liberty Lake, contributed $500. Roxanne Rafferty, of Spokane, sent $500. Raugust Farms gave $500. Brad Ennis and Terren Roloff, of Spokane, donated $500 “in honor of Donna Roloff.”
Ellen Krehbiel and Jeff Wasson, of Colbert, gave $400.
Sandra Fruetel, of Mead, donated $300 “in remembrance of Al, Debbie and Swede.” The Caldwell Living Trust, of Veradale, gave $300. Heather Brennan, of Spokane, sent $300.
Robert and Erik Ozolins-House gave $250. “Merry Christmas from Cabo Verde!” they wrote. “Thank you to the volunteers, Catholic Charities, The Spokesman-Review and Volunteers of America for being the true embodiment of Christmas charity.” William and Georgette Savitz, of Spokane, sent $250.
Dennis and Patricia Doyle, of Spokane, donated $250, writing, “God bless you for all you do.” Corrine Dixon, of Spokane, sent $250.
An anonymous Spokane donor sent $200, writing, “To all at the S-R Christmas Bureau, thank you for your generous spirit! Merry Christmas.” Joe and Becky Kramarz, of Spokane, gave $200. Dan and Susan Bresnahan, of Spokane, also contributed $200. Larry and Tudy Hatch, of Spokane, gave $200 “for our favorite charity.”
Gary and Leanne Brosius, of Veradale, sent $200. Carol and Richard Hawley, of Spokane, contributed $200. Wayne Wright, of Spokane, gave $200 “in memory of Nancy.” Ben and Carol Blake, of Mead, donated $200. “Thank you for supporting our local community!” they wrote. A.K. and S.A. Katsaris, of Spokane, contributed $200, as did Mike Mikos of Spokane Valley. Fred Preston and Nichole Palmer donated $200.
Bob and Cecile LaFountain, of Spokane, donated $150. Mel and Shelley Brown, of Deer Park, gave $150 “in memory of Robert, Joey and Michael Hammes.”
Patricia Fulgaro, of Spokane, sent $125, writing, “Thank you for the hard work that you do! From the Fulgaro family: Patti, Tony, Nicholas, Faith and Oscar.”
An anonymous donor sent $100. Carol Lippman, of Spokane, donated $100 “in memory of my mother, Marilyn.” Donald Lippman, of Spokane Valley, gave $100 “in memory of my wife, Marilyn, who loved Christmas and family.” John Miller and Sandra Nolting, of Spokane, contributed $100. Tom and Cathy Hopkins, of Spokane, gave $100, writing, “Thank for all your good work!”
Barbara Van Leuven, of Spokane, donated $100 “in memory of Jerry.” William and Virginia Terpening, of Spokane, sent $100. Helen Knapp, of Spokane, gave $100. Gerry Rose, of Spokane, donated $100 “remembering my husband Arlen and all my family who have passed. Thank you for always helping others.” An anonymous Spokane Valley donor sent $100.
Paul Olsen, of Spokane, contributed $100. Duke and Sue Cornell, of Spokane Valley, gave $100, as did Luella Jobin of Spokane. Chuck and Lulubelle Stocker, of Newman Lake, donated $100, writing, “You all provide a great service to our community.” Gary and Linda Faire, of Spokane Valley, sent $100.
Sandra and Michael Povich, of Spokane, contributed $100. Marcy Majeski, of Spokane, gave $100. Paddy and Teri Inman, of Mead, sent $100, writing, “You’re the best!”
An anonymous donor gave $75. Thomas Armitage, of Spokane, contributed $75.
Lois Hughes, of Spokane, donated $65.
Kathryn Robinson, of Spokane, donated $50. Rita Goehner, of Spokane, also sent $50.
Donna Douglass, of Spokane, gave $40. Robert and Angie Fosburgh, of Spokane, donated $35, writing, “Thank you for all you’ve done.”
Barb McKay and Ingrid Carlson, of Spokane, gave $30.
An anonymous Spokane donor gave $25, writing, “This fund remains the most wonderful Christmas event in Spokane. It’s helping to make the holidays happen for so many. Sent with gratitude for all volunteers and collaborators.” Margaret Kobylus, of Spokane Valley, sent $25.