Field Reports: Youth marksmanship class planned in North Idaho

Young hunters in the Idaho Panhandle will have a chance to learn about sighting in their guns and more in a workshop next week.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game announced a marksmanship workshop on Oct. 5 for hunters aged 9 to 17 who have completed hunters education. The workshop will be held at the Farragut Shooting Range Center in Athol.
Participants will get one-on-one instruction and guidance on shooting safety and essentials, with a focus on sighting in a scope.
The class costs $15 and will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is required and can be done on Idaho Fish and Game’s website.
Those who attend should bring the rifle they will use during the 2024 hunting season and at least one box of ammunition. Reloads are not allowed. They will also need eye and ear protection.
Pheasants Forever plans fence cleanup for Saturday
The local Pheasants Forever chapter is planning to clean up fencing material on a piece of public land in Lincoln County on Saturday.
Jeff Ennis, president of Pheasants Forever Chapter 800, said in an email that the group will gather thousands of feet of four strand fence from a Bureau of Land Management property near Mohler.
The cleanup begins at 8 a.m.