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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing

West decision leads

It's been a busy and surprising day for news. Here's how the front page is shaping up:
Our lead story is a complete package on the state Supreme Court's swift decision in the Mayor West recall case. Plus an update from the Spokane County Auditor about the possibility of getting the recall on the November ballot.

We have a story about two former residents of Morning Star Boys' Ranch, including one who served as its 'poster boy,' suing the Spokane group home today, alleging they were sexually abused by counselors in separate incidents in the 1960s and 1980s.

Spokane Public Schools expanded their definition of weapons in the schools to be any object used in a threatening manner. The district says the change helps them better keep track of incidents for state reports, but a local rights group said the law may be too broad.

An update of Iraq's situation. Clashes errupted between rival Shiite groups.

Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.