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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing

iSalon preview, kudos, multimedia, newsroom news

A refresher: Nine newsroommates were given the task of restocking a newspaper's content. In a nutshell, the question was if you could make a newspaper from scratch, what would be inside it? The resulting proposal went in favor of content that is local, relevant and socially-rewarding. The report came out a couple weeks ago but the addendum was finalized by this past Friday. Here's the final report in question, from the most recent task force (PDF, 12 pages excluding title).

The addendum, which is a proposed beat list or "head count," can be downloaded here (PDF)

FYI for transparency purposes, Daily Briefing was on the draft team.


MULTIMEDIA: For yesterday's "New call to arms" story about the National Guard training in Yakima, reporter Jim Camden and photog Rajah Bose drove out to the training grounds for a double feature, for print edition and audio slideshow.

FROM COURT: Also interesting, editors said, the latest Boise report (Betsy Z. Russell) on Joseph Duncan acting as own attorney.

LIVE TODAY: Rebecca Mack is on the air right now! AM 790 KJRB. Photo below is Mack interviewing reporter Jim Camden. For future reference, you can call in during the show and share your thoughts: (509) 232-0790.

In other newsroom news

The new phone system went live this weekend. Which means if readers try to phone in for whatever reason, and something weird happens on the line and we lose them, our apologies.

"[The phones]'re working - we just don't know how to use them," deputy city editor Dave Wasson said.

Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.