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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Down To Earth

Potholes: Spokane v Seattle

It’s like the snobs versus the slobs, right? Hardly.

Potholes are a big deal in Spokane. We even have a popular Facebook page dedicated to the subject. However, Seattle makes us look like a bunch of wusses for complaining as the rain eats the pavement. Crosscut writer Judy Lightfoot believes not everybody in Seattle can join Mayor Mike McGinn’s “Walk, Bike, Ride” campaign since his commute is pretty smooth. She writes, “right now Seattle streets make a jolting misery of riding the bus. And it's worse for cyclists: Fractured asphalt can throw them into the path of moving traffic, and they can’t lift a hand to signal without risking loss of control. It’s too dangerous for families to bike to fun places in town — another fresh-air option crossed off the "Mom! Dad! What’ll we do today?" list of summer possibilities.”

There are a few valid points mixed with her patented hyperbole - it seems bass ackwards to be so completely dismissive about his initiative for a better transportation system that provides more bus frequency, improved bikeways, and pedestrian safety because of bumps in the road. That doesn't diminish maintaining local streets is crucial - she's right, it needs to be more prevalent in his plan, in any transportation plan.

Full article HERE.

Down To Earth

The DTE blog is committed to reporting and sharing environmental news and sustainability information from across the Inland Northwest.