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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Tick tock

A mother and baby sketch is by artist Valerie Woelk.
A mother and baby sketch is by artist Valerie Woelk.

Scientists at UCLA have discovered a new “biological clock” that measures the age of human tissue. If future testing proves the research valid, the work has strong implications for anti-aging-research. Note: the goal is not to seek a fountain of youth, but to assist with diagnosing and treating disease.

Interesting findings include: women’s breast tissue ages faster than the rest of the body; cancerous tissue is on average 36 years older than other tissue.

(S-R: A mother and baby sketch by artist Valerie Woelk)

Spokesman-Review features writer Rebecca Nappi, along with writer Catherine Johnston of Olympia, Wash., discuss here issues facing aging boomers, seniors and those experiencing serious illness, dying, death and other forms of loss.