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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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The cake’s not too sweet these days

I sometimes get the strangest letters. Here is one that I read first thing this morning:

Hi Dan:

Why the amateurish book page in today's (Sunday) paper?

Only 4 top best sellers in each category? And to boot so out of date - New York Times Best Seller November 17th?

I appreciated the review on "Butler's People," but to give us a two-week old book best seller list of only 4 books in each categroy (sic) pushes this paper way over the "let them eat cake" line. You could have gone on line of any major newspaper and picked a best seller list. It doesn't take much thought or immagination (sic).

Do you think everyone in Spokane is illiterate?

Here was my reply:

To whomever wrote this message: First of all, I’m not sure why you didn’t leave your name. Anyone who is willing to venture an opinion should be willing to attach his or her name to it, especially when that opinion addresses a worthy issue, as yours does.

I can’t speak for the powers that be around here. I will forward what you have written to both the entertainment and features editors, and they can weigh in if they want.

All I can say is that our space has been cut back, and it’s been a struggle to fit everything in. We’re struggling with a loss of space, budget and personnel.

What would help us in a time like this is positive feedback and direction so that we can continue to put out the best newspaper we possibly can. Catty criticism and defensive name-calling doesn’t do anyone any good.

My name is Dan Webster, and you can reach me through the information posted below.

By the way, imagination is spelled with one “m.”

– Dan Webster

Dan Webster
The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99210-1615
(509) 459-5483, fax (509) 459-5098

Movies & More

A Dan Webster joint, discussing news, notes and everything about movies.