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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Movies & More

It was an ‘Inside Job’ that targeted all of us

I don't pretend to know anything about economics. But I have a decent handle on ethics. And after sitting through a screening of "Inside Job," filmmaker Charles Ferguson's look at the 2007 financial meltdown, I'm still simmering with anger.

I'm angry at the banks.

I'm angry at the insurance companies.

I'm angry at the ratings services.

I'm angry at the so-called "regulators."

I'm angry at all the politicians and bureaucrats who scuttled the regulatory powers that were set in place after the Great Depression of the 1930s.

I'm angry at all the academics who wrote nice things about some or all the above while pocketing huge commissions from the very companies they were praising.

I'm angry at all the presidents from Ronald Reagan on (no, not Jimmy Carter, who had his own problems) who either allowed or encouraged the scuttling to happen.

And I'm angry at myself for dropping out of Microeconomics at the University of Oregon. If I had stuck it out, I might have learned enough to be able to protect myself from all the thieves, liars and hypocrites I've listed above.

I was the only one at yesterday's 4:15 screening of "Inside Job." You should check it out, either before it leaves (most likely Thursday will be its last day), on DVD or any other way you can.

Prepare to  be pissed.

Below: The trailer for "Inside Job."

Dan Webster
Dan Webster has filled a number of positions at The Spokesman-Review from 1981 to 2009. He started as a sportswriter, was a sports desk copy chief at the Spokane Chronicle for two years, served as assistant features editor and, beginning in 1984, worked at several jobs at once: books editor, columnist, film reviewer and award-winning features writer. In 2003, he created one of the newspaper's first blogs, "Movies & More." He continues to write for The Spokesman-Review's Web site,, and he both reviews movies for Spokane Public Radio and serves as co-host of the radio station's popular movie-discussion show "Movies 101."