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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Hours

City of Deer Park gets into the golf course business

The City of Deer Park is the proud new owner of the Deer Park Golf Club.

The SR will have a detailed story in Friday's editions. But today's auction, still in progress as of 3:24 p.m. Thursday, did resolve the question: How much is the Deer Park Gold Club worth?

The answer: $850,000. Which is less than the current owners hoped to get. At one time the course was the centerpiece of an ambitious $32 million development its developers hoped would turn the quiet little burg on the north edge of Spokane County into the next Sandpoint, or perhaps the next Gleneden.

The buyer is the City of Deer Park. As the main person answering the phone today at the city hall said, "Every city needs a golf course, right?"

The auction will also sell off an adjoining Spokane RV Resort, a condo and numerous parcels of land. The full rundown will come no later than tomorrow on this blog, with the main points in Friday's Saturday business section.


Tom Sowa
Tom Sowa covers technology, retail and economic development and writes the Office Hours blog.