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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Hours

Sirti website hacked over the weekend

MODIFIED with new information, updated at 6:00 p.m. July 6:

An unknown hacker took advantage of a web vulnerability to redirect the website to an Iranian website over the weekend.

The Sirti main page was replaced by a page with Arabic words, a reference to the Persian Gulf and the phrase "Hacked by ::F-B-I::"

After 30 seconds the page then redirected to a Website based in Iran, said Linda Hemingway, the Sirti director of market development and communications. That page includes an e-mail address that could be that of the person responsible, she said.

She said the hacker did not breach Sirti information, other than change the appearance of the main page.  Sirti staff upgraded the page's security settings and restored the original content by Monday morning, she added.

Sirti is a state agency that provides technology innovation and business services for area tech companies.

Hemingway said Sirti has no plans to take further action regarding the hack.

Tom Sowa
Tom Sowa covers technology, retail and economic development and writes the Office Hours blog.