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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Hours

Sandpoint’s Quest Aviation chosen as Idaho Small Business of the Day

Spokane Turbine Center’s Quest Kodiak sits on the tarmac outside the executive terminal at Spokane International Airport on  May 5. (Andrew Zahler)
Spokane Turbine Center’s Quest Kodiak sits on the tarmac outside the executive terminal at Spokane International Airport on May 5. (Andrew Zahler)

It's National Small Business Week, and Idaho Sen. Jim Risch chose Sandpoint's Quest Aircraft as the state's Small Business of the Day.

The company was honored in Monday's Congressional Record of the United States Senate.

The company produces the highly regarded Kodiak single-prop aircraft, used by many church missions because of its versatility and short runway performance.

It's also sold to government agencies and nonprofits around the world.

After starting in 1998 with less than 15 employees, the privately held company now has nearly 200 workers worldwide.

The company's social mission includes using profits to donate approximately every 10th airplane produced to a not-for-profit humanitarian organization.

A press release noted Risch is the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

File photo.

Tom Sowa
Tom Sowa covers technology, retail and economic development and writes the Office Hours blog.