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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog archive for May 2011

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011

MONDAY, MAY 23, 2011

Lake Roosevelt water-level-raising stalls

COLUMBIA RIVER -- Concerns about a major Columbia River runoff event that still might come from the headwaters, the Bureau of Reclamation is pushing water through Grand Coulee Dam without signifcantly raising levels from this spring's deep drawdown. The reservoir elevation was down to a…

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Idaho reduces deer controlled hunt tags

BIG GAME HUNTING -- Bad news for the growth of southern Idaho mule deer herds: Fish and Game Department big-game managers said last week the overall over-winter fawn survival among 15 study areas is the lowest since the agency began monitoring: 69 percent of radio-collared…

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Fishing made easy for kids in Lewiston

> FISHING -- Idaho Fish and Game will be wheeling out "Take Me Fishing Trailers" packed with fishing rods and tackle for Idaho Panhandle kids to use free at trout-stocked ponds in June. The "Take Me Fishing" trailer debuts this season: June 2, 4 p.m.-7…

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Rattlesnake response: much ado about nothing 

WILDLIFE -- A rattlesnake that slithered near a Kennewick playground on Thursday was quickly dispatched by a police officer and tossed in the Columbia River. According to the Associated Press, a Seattle couple called 911 when they spotted the snake moving in the grass near…

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SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2011

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011

The waterfall at the top end of Hog Canyon Lake was flowing in good form on March 20, 2011.  It dries up later in the spring. The lake is on BLM land an the area is great for dayhiking. (Rich Landers)

Native Plant Society hiking Hog Canyon Sunday

HIKING -- Members of the Northeastern Washington Native Plant Society are leading a nifty native plant walk on Sunday into Hog Canyon Lake area of the BLM Fishtrap Lake management area west of Spokane. They will explore this lovely shrub-steppe pronounced scabland terrain with mima…

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What to do with so little time left?

OUTDOOR PURSUITS -- With the deadline close and the pressure on, I must admit I'm having a difficult time deciding whether to go hiking or fishing on Saturday before the world ends. What would other outdoor enthusiasts do? It will tell me a lot if…

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From nope to hope for Clearwater springers

SALMON FISHING -- Flows in the Clearwater and Salmon rivers are receding and Idaho Fish and Game officials predict fishing conditions should vastly improve by the weekend. Regional fisheries manager Joe DuPont said hot weather Saturday followed by rain on Sunday and Monday caused rivers…

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Anglers defy drawdown at Koocanusa Derby

FISHING -- Despite the extremely low water level of 121 feet below full pool and only 3 ramps accessible for anglers, 373 contestants in 192 boats competed in the 9th annual Trout and Salmon Derby out of Lake Koocanusa Resort last weekend. Doug Florey of…

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THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

Outdoors blog

Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.

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