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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog archive for Jan. 1, 2013

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, 2013

TUESDAY, NOV. 26, 2013

Jim Kujala loads a dead deer into a truck near Chattaroy.  Kujala is a state-certified Inland Northwest Wildlife Council volunteer who  collects roadkill and salvages the meat for the Union Gospel Mission. 
 (Liz Kishimoto / The Spokesman-Review)

Roadkill: it's what's for dinner in Montana

Updated 11-26-13 at 9 a.m. with correction from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. WILDLIFE -- Just in time for Thanksgiving! Montana's online permitting system to legally take possession of road-killed big game goes operational today. A new state law allows people to salvage deer, elk,…

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MONDAY, NOV. 25, 2013

Photographer puts spotlight on dark deer

WILDLIFE WATCHING -- A rare dark-colored mule deer was documented recently in photo on the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area as the doe fed with three normal-colored deer, including a buck in the rut. Wildlife biologists say the deer appears to have an unusually high occurrence of…

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FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 2013

Kayaker found dead on Palouse River

PADDLING -- A kayaker's body was recovered this morning from the Palouse River, according to the following statement released this afternoon by the Whitman County Sheriff. Alison Webb, 54, who was on the Palouse city council, was found dead early Friday morning, her life apparently…

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THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 2013

Experts list 10 top gift ideas for birders

WILDLIFE WATCHING -- From new birdsong collections to smartphone apps, online learning, and a kit for beginning birders, here are 10 holiday gift suggestions for the bird and nature lover in your life. All these items are available from the nonprofit Cornell Lab of Ornithology…

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Outdoors blog

Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.

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