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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Elk Foundation chapters set local banquets

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation logo.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation logo.

HUNTING -- Area chapters of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation are organizing their annual fund-raising banquets to raise money for wildlife habitat enhancement projects throughout the region.

Since 1984, the Missoula-based foundation says it joined agencies and other partners to conserve or enhance 6.6 million acres of North America’s finest elk country. 

The annual chapter banquet dinner-auction evenings are the primary fund-raising events, generating remarkable community support over the years.

"We have reached over $1 million raised from our local banquets helping to ensure the future of elk and wildlife habitat," said Jason Johnston of the Idaho Panhandle Chapter.

RMEF chapter Big Game Banquets coming up in this region include:

Saturday (Feb. 21) -- Spokane Chapter, Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. Info: Rich Furry, (509) 290-3557.

March 14 -- Pend Oreille Chapter, American Legion Post 217, Cusick. Info: Darlynn Thompson, (509) 671-6346.

March 14 -- Shoshone Chapter. Info: Frosty Greenfield, (208) 512-2015.

March 21Idaho Panhandle Chapter, Best Western PLUS, 506 W. Appleway Ave. in Coeur d’Alene. Info: Elliot or Deanna Taub, (208) 691-1824.

March 28 -- Palouse Whitepine. Info: Debbie Brood, (208) 596-9310.

April 18 -- Selkirk Crest Big Game Banquet in Sandpoint. Info: Jade Smith, (208) 255-9331.

RMEF has plenty of reason to be proud of its members accomplishments.

2014 highlights:

 • Celebrated 30th anniversary including 30 Years of RMEF Volunteers

 • Improved 135,000 acres of elk habitat in 22 states toward an overall lifetime mark
 of more than 6.6 million acres

 • Completed 625 habitat enhancement, hunting heritage and other conservation
 outreach projects bringing lifetime number of projects to 9,278

 • Opened or secured access to 61,817 acres toward an overall lifetime mark of more
 than 769,000 acres

 • Received a four-star rating—the highest possible—from Charity Navigator for the
  sixth consecutive year which positions RMEF among the top three percent of all
 charities rated by the service

 • Provided more than $1.6 million in Torstenson Family Endowment funding for
 RMEF’s four core mission programs

 • Assisted with elk restoration efforts in Wisconsin and finalized efforts to augment
 elk herds in Virginia

 • Sixth consecutive year of record membership, totaling 205,249 as of
 December 31, 2014

 • Record attendance of 28,000 at inaugural Hunter Christmas Exposition

 • Topped 200,000 Facebook followers

Rich Landers
Rich Landers joined The Spokesman-Review in 1977. He is the Outdoors editor for the Sports Department writing and photographing stories about hiking, hunting, fishing, boating, conservation, nature and wildlife and related topics.

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