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More on Gesser’s decision


Jason Gesser's tenure on the Washington State coaching staff was even shorter than Billy Donovan's with the Orlando Magic, if that's possible. At least Donovan was with the Magic for a weekend. Gesser's change of heart came even before he started. Gesser, however, had even better reasons to bail and it seems as if Cougar fans understand. Read on.


• Reading the message boards and Twitter comments, it seems Mr. WSU Fan (as if there is one overarching continuity of thought) gets why Gesser decided not to take a low-paid, off-the-field job at WSU (all that was available) for a much-better-paid, hands-on spot with the Vandals. And, it also seems as if Mr. WSU Fan and the missus feel this job is just a steppingstone to Gesser returning to his alma mater some day. We'll see. In our story Gesser asked for Cougar fans to understand and it seems they do. ... As for me, my one thought was, if someone offered me a job today that paid me five or six times what I'm making now, I would take it post haste. Heck, I would take it if it paid twice as much, as long as dental were covered. ... Today's the first day of the Pac-12 (and, if in the future I type Pac-10, please forgive me in advance; I am still writing 2010 on checks occasionally) and our John Blanchette talked with Bill Moos about it. ... We also ran this piece about Klay Thompson from the San Jose Mercury News. ... By the way, I've been trying to contact Thomas Kelati concerning a story I'm trying to get done on overseas basketball. I've tried the usual ways, so if any of you have a way to get ahold of Thomas, go ahead and have him email me. Or you can with the contact information. It's


• That's all for now. As usual, we'll be back when events warrant. Until then ...

Vince Grippi
Vince Grippi is a freelance local sports blogger for He also contributes to the SportsLink Blog.

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