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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Vox Box

“A disenchanted playroom”

I was sent this link yesterday. It is a photo series by "Wolfram Hahn." I've never heard of him, but the photos are pretty telling.

"The children depicted in this series are between three and twelve. Their regards are sad, with facial expressions rather to be associated with adults, unusual for children this age. They regard a spot below the camera; focusing on something in that space not revealed to the viewer. As such they seem lifeless like dolls, or bodies bereft of their spirits.

These kids were photographed watching TV. To show how sensitive children react to this mass medium and on what level their emotions are exposed to the surface of broadcast transmissions: the subtle charm of real life is lost when under the influence."

QUESTION: What is your first reaction after watching the slideshow? How much TV do you watch a day?

In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at